

想在教師節用英文表達對老師的感謝,卻不知如何寫出真摯而深刻的祝福語?教師節祝福語英文不只能說 Happy Teacher’s Day! 除了經典的祝福語,更可以使用表達謝意的英文句子和名言佳句,讓您的卡片充滿溫暖和真誠。例如,您可以寫下 “Thank you for being such an inspiring teacher.” 或 “Your passion for teaching has made a real difference in my life.” 此外,您還可以引用一些經典的名言佳句,例如 “The best teachers inspire you to do things you never thought you could.” 這些句子不僅能表達您對老師的感謝,也能展現您的英文水平。在寫卡片時,請務必真誠地表達您對老師的感激之情,讓他們感受到您的用心和尊重。


  1. 在選擇教師節卡片時,選擇一款簡約而富有個性的設計,讓卡片的外觀能夠引起老師的注意。同時,內部則使用上述推薦的祝福語,如“You have a unique talent for making learning enjoyable and engaging. Thank you for being such an inspiring teacher.”,來表達您對老師的深切感謝,讓老師感受到您的真誠。
  2. 根據自己的學習經歷,個性化您的祝福語。例如,您可以在寫上「Happy Teacher’s Day!」之後,加入一段回憶,提到老師如何幫助您克服某個挑戰或在學業上取得進步。這樣的個性化內容會讓您的祝福更具情感,讓老師感到被重視和尊重。
  3. 若您對於英文寫作不太有自信,可以事先抄寫一些經典的名言佳句,如“The best teachers inspire you to do things you never thought you could.”,並根據這些名言來構思自己的句子,將其融入您的卡片祝福中。這不僅能提升您的英文表達能力,還能展現您的獨到見解和品味。

可以參考 情緒低落英文表達秘訣:8個必學負面情緒英文單字

教師節快樂英文 Happy Teachers’ Day!感謝老師的英文卡片祝福

每年9月,我們迎來了教師節。你準備好如何用英文來表達對老師的感謝了嗎?挑一張漂亮的卡片,誠摯地寫下祝福的話語,讓老師感受到你的用心與感激。除了常用的「Happy Teacher’s Day」,還可以考慮一些更具深意的英文祝福語、語錄和名言佳句,讓這個特別的日子充滿溫暖與真誠。

在教師節,經典的祝福語是「Happy Teacher’s Day!」,但這會不會讓你感到詞窮呢?其實,還有許多其他的表達方式可以用來祝福老師,讓我們在這篇中分享5句適合在這個日子裡對老師們說的英文祝福語,並探討如何巧妙排列組合,創造出獨特的教師節卡片內容。

在教師節的卡片中,除了簡單地說「Happy Teacher’s Day」,你還可以用以下五句表達你對老師的感激:

1. You have a unique talent for making learning enjoyable and engaging. Thank you for being such an inspiring teacher. (你有著讓學習變得有趣的獨特天賦,感謝你成為如此鼓舞人心的老師。)
2. Your dedication to teaching is truly motivating. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom with us. (你對教學的投入真的十分激勵人心,感謝你與我們分享你的智慧與見解。)
3. Thank you for believing in me, even during my moments of self-doubt. You have significantly impacted my life. (謝謝你在我懷疑自己的時刻仍然相信我,你對我的生命產生了深遠的影響。)
4. I sincerely appreciate your support and guidance. You have contributed to my growth both academically and personally. (我衷心感謝你的支持和指導,你幫助我在學業和個人發展上都取得了進步。)
5. Happy Teacher’s Day! You are an exceptional teacher and an endless source of inspiration. Thank you for all that you do. (教師節快樂!你是一位優秀的老師,是我無盡的靈感來源,感謝你所做的一切。)

除了「Thank you」,還有其他方法表達感謝之情!以下是一個教師節英文卡片的範本:

Dear [老師姓名],

Happy Teacher’s Day!

I am deeply grateful for your patience and guidance this year. You have helped me learn so much, and I truly have enjoyed your class.

Thank you for being such an incredible teacher.




教師節祝福語英文. Photos provided by unsplash



Thank you for your unwavering commitment and passion for teaching; you have truly made a profound impact on our lives. (感謝您始終如一的奉獻和對教學的熱愛,您對我們的生活產生了深遠的影響。)
Your steadfast guidance and encouragement have been crucial to our growth and success. We are sincerely thankful for your unwavering presence in our lives. (您提供的穩定指導和鼓勵對我們的成長和成功至關重要,我們真誠感謝您始終如一的陪伴。)
You inspire us to pursue our dreams and strive for greatness; we will always cherish your invaluable mentorship. (您激勵我們追尋夢想並力求卓越,我們將永遠珍惜您無價的指導。)
Thank you for being an exceptional role model and a constant source of inspiration; your influence will resonate in our lives for years to come. (感謝您成為我們卓越的榜樣和不斷的靈感來源,您的影響將在我們的生活中長久流傳。)
We feel incredibly fortunate to have you as our teacher; your kindness, patience, and wealth of knowledge have left an indelible mark on our hearts. (我們感到無比幸運能有您這樣的老師,您的善良、耐心和豐富知識在我們心中留下了深刻的印記。)


“The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” – Alexandra K. Trenfor (最好的老師是那些指引你方向,卻不告訴你答案的人。)
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates (真正的智慧在於知道自己一無所知。)
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch (心靈不是一個需要填滿的容器,而是一團需要點燃的火焰。)


英文句子 中文翻譯
Thank you for your unwavering commitment and passion for teaching; you have truly made a profound impact on our lives. 感謝您始終如一的奉獻和對教學的熱愛,您對我們的生活產生了深遠的影響。
Your steadfast guidance and encouragement have been crucial to our growth and success. We are sincerely thankful for your unwavering presence in our lives. 您提供的穩定指導和鼓勵對我們的成長和成功至關重要,我們真誠感謝您始終如一的陪伴。
You inspire us to pursue our dreams and strive for greatness; we will always cherish your invaluable mentorship. 您激勵我們追尋夢想並力求卓越,我們將永遠珍惜您無價的指導。
Thank you for being an exceptional role model and a constant source of inspiration; your influence will resonate in our lives for years to come. 感謝您成為我們卓越的榜樣和不斷的靈感來源,您的影響將在我們的生活中長久流傳。
We feel incredibly fortunate to have you as our teacher; your kindness, patience, and wealth of knowledge have left an indelible mark on our hearts. 我們感到無比幸運能有您這樣的老師,您的善良、耐心和豐富知識在我們心中留下了深刻的印記。
“The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” – Alexandra K. Trenfor 最好的老師是那些指引你方向,卻不告訴你答案的人。
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates 真正的智慧在於知道自己一無所知。
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch 心靈不是一個需要填滿的容器,而是一團需要點燃的火焰。



1. 感謝老師的付出:

  • Thank you for your unwavering dedication and hard work. (感謝您不懈的奉獻和努力。)
  • Your enthusiasm for teaching ignites a passion for learning in all of us. (您對教學的熱情點燃了我們學習的熱情。)
  • I truly appreciate the time and effort you invest in making lessons enjoyable. (我衷心感謝您投放的時間和精力,讓課堂變得如此有趣。)
  • You have a magical way of making learning exciting and engaging. (您擁有讓學習變得令人興奮和引人入勝的神奇力量。)

2. 感謝老師的幫助:

  • Thank you for being my guiding light when I faced challenges. (感謝您在我面對挑戰時成為我的指路明燈。)
  • I’m incredibly grateful for your unwavering support and guidance. (我非常感激您不懈的支持和指導。)
  • Your encouragement has helped me grow, both as a student and an individual. (您的鼓勵幫助我在學業和個人方面成長。)
  • Without your assistance, I wouldn’t have achieved what I have today. (沒有您的幫助,我無法達到如今的成就。)

3. 表達對老師的敬佩:

  • You are an exceptional teacher, and I deeply admire your commitment to your students. (您是一位卓越的老師,我深深敬佩您對學生的堅持。)
  • I feel incredibly fortunate to have you as my mentor. (我感到非常幸運能擁有您作為我的導師。)
  • Your presence is truly inspirational to me. (您對我而言是無比的靈感來源。)
  • I have gained invaluable knowledge from you, in and out of the classroom. (我在課堂內外獲得了無價的知識,感謝您。)

4. 表達對未來的期待:

  • I eagerly anticipate learning more from you in the upcoming term. (我期盼在接下來的學期中向您學習更多。)
  • I can’t wait to discover all the exciting things you have planned for us next year. (我迫不及待想知道您明年為我們準備的精彩內容。)
  • I am thankful for the privilege of being one of your students. (我感激能有幸成為您的學生。)


可以參考 教師節祝福語英文





教師節祝福語英文 常見問題快速FAQ

除了 Happy Teacher’s Day,還有哪些其他英文祝福語?

除了經典的 “Happy Teacher’s Day!”,你還可以表達更具體的祝福,例如:

  • Thank you for being such an inspiring teacher. (感謝您成為如此鼓舞人心的老師。)
  • You have a gift for making learning fun and engaging. (您有讓學習變得有趣且引人入勝的天賦。)
  • I appreciate your dedication to teaching and your passion for your subject. (我感謝您對教學的奉獻和對您所教授學科的熱情。)



  • I will always remember the time you helped me with [ specific example ].
  • Your [ specific quality, e.g., patience, enthusiasm, kindness ] really made a difference in my learning experience.



  • “The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” – Alexandra K. Trenfor
  • “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates
  • “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch



By Eve Lin

我是 Eve Lin(伊芙林),畢業於英國牛津研究所,擁有豐富的英語教學經驗。我創立這個網站是為了幫助所有對英語學習感興趣的人,特別是準備多益 TOEIC 考試的學習者,提供全面且實用的英語學習資源。無論你是職場新鮮人還是希望提升英語能力的專業人士,我們都致力於為你提供最有效的學習方法和技巧。聯繫方式[email protected]

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